Results faster

During private lessons at the school, an instructor will focus exclusively on you and your dog in order to achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

At school, whether your dog learns more quickly or more difficult than another, it is HIS learning pace that will be followed and respected.

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What education method is used?

Our education is based on notions of conditioning and positive reinforcement, 2 methods well recognized in the canine field.

What is the availability for private lessons at the school?

We are available in the morning, during the day and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

What are the main advantages of taking a private lesson at school?

1. Results will be visible faster.
2. We have special attention during these lessons.
3. You will have the same teacher from start to finish.

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Starting at $85.00 + taxes
Duration of 30, 45 or 60 minutes

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Benefits for you and your dog

In these private lessons, we go at your pace and that of your dog. This can sometimes be difficult in group sessions.

Also, for dogs with certain behaviors that need to be rehabilitated, these courses are even more suitable. We will thus be able to ensure development adapted to your dog's learning pace.

A proven method

The Brigade Canine teaching method is proven to be effective, in addition to offering you flexible schedules and free lifelong monitoring.

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